How do I Place an order?

Step 1: Finalise the product that you want to buy.
Step 2: On the product page, click on BUY NOW. Otherwise, you can click on ADD TO CART and go to the CART option followed by CHECKOUT.
Step 3: Complete the details of your order – Contact Information, Shipping Address and Gifting Options, if any.
Step 4: Click on Continue to Shipping and select the shipping method.
Step 5: Click on Continue to Payment and select the payment mode.
Step 6: Click on Complete Order.

Once you complete the payment, your order will be placed successfully.
If you have any further questions, you can call our helpline number +91 80768 67508 or reach out to our support team at

Can I buy multiple products in a single order?

Add all the products you wish to buy to your cart using the ‘ADD TO CART’ button and complete your order when your cart is ready. Multiple products in one order can help save shipping charges.

Can I have a different address for the product delivery from my billing address?

Yes. You can do so by entering ‘Billing Address’ and the address you want to send to as the ‘Shipping Address.

How do I know that my order is confirmed?

For all prepaid orders, the confirmation status will be automatically updated in the ‘My Account’ section. Also, you will receive an order confirmation email. If your payment method is Cash on Delivery, you will get a call from IVR/ customer care on your registered contact details to confirm the order placed. Once you confirm, the order will be processed immediately.

We request you to add your email address and mobile number to your profile to stay updated regarding order delivery.

Is it necessary to have an account to place an order?

No, you do not need to have an account to place an order, but having an account facilitates easy tracking and getting offers.

How secure is my Debit/Credit Card while making an online payment on

Our site uses the most renowned and reputed payment gateways, which are fully secure and protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and Secure Data Encryption. Any data entered in the CrzyMart Online transaction is transferred in an SSL session to protect you against unwanted disclosure to other parties. This process ensures that we are following the most acceptable safety procedures of prominent online vendors, which process all payments in real-time in the interests of security and peace of mind.

How do I sign up for a CrzyMart account?

All you need to do is to click on Sign Up and fill in basic details – your name, date of birth, gender, email address and a password of your choice. It helps us to understand our customers and provide relevant, personalised offers.

What are the benefits of signing up?

Signing up for an account will enhance your experience while shopping. Your account allows you to:

  • Track all past and present orders at any time in one place.
  • Be a part of the loyalty program, get customised offers for your birthdays, enrol in the affiliate program and get emails and messages regarding offers and new product launches.
  • Never fill in your address and payment details more than once.
  • Rate and review products.

I forgot my password, what can I do?

If you forget your password, you can ask to send a new password by clicking on the Forgot Password link at the email address you registered before. You will be directed to a page where you can enter your email address, and you will receive a temporary password. We strongly advise you to correct this as quickly as possible.

I cannot complete my registration. What do I need to do?

You can call our helpline number +91 80768 67508 or reach out to our support team at